Write in Da Vinci style
Leonardo used to write his native language, Italian, using a special shorthand that he had invented himself. People, who study his work, often find his notebooks puzzling. He was known to write the letters backwards or also known as ‘mirror writing’, which started at the right side of the page instead of the left and moving on to the left. He used this style to write personal letters and notebooks, whereas used the normal writing while writing to other people.
It is not as difficult as it seems. You can practice
how to do stuff at home. The following simple steps will explain how to write letters backwards:
•The first thing to do is to write all the letters in the uppercase as well as lower case on a paper in a very clear handwriting. Make these letters at least half an inch high for your practice and space them at the same distance apart from each other as well. Writing in smaller font will come to you with practice.
• Use a small mirror so that you can highlight one letter at a time on the paper. This means that you lay your paper flat on the desk and place the mirror perpendicular to the paper on the left or the right side of the letter. On a separate paper copy the letters you see in the mirror. If you get lost, lay the handwritten chart flat on the desk and hold the mirror to highlight the troublesome letters. This will happen as the mirror not only will reverse the letters but also the direction we are working in.
•After you are done copying the letters backwards, put the mirror down and use the mirror writing page to copy from. Use a different piece of paper again to copy these letters from the mirror-writing page. Gradually you will start to find writing the letters backwards easier. The difficult letters like the upper case ‘Q’, lower case b, d, j, k and q seem to be the most confusing to do. While studying the handwritten chart remember which direction you are going in and practice the letters till you are comfortable.
•If you have problems writing a few letters, go over them. You can also set up a large mirror where you are able to see the full upper half of your body. Stand up against a blackboard and place the mirror and the blackboard in a specific angle with each other.
•Face the mirror. Your main aim is to write big letters so that they can be written correctly if seen in the mirror. Using your whole arm write a letter backwards so that it becomes readable in the mirror.
•Do this many times in the mirror until you are comfortable writing the letters backwards. Once you are comfortable with all the letters backwards, gradually start decreasing the size of your script. Step by step bring it down to the size you normally use to write on paper.
•When you have finished with writing the letters in normal size on the paper, try writing words. For this you need to begin at the right side of the paper and work towards your left side. If you are in doubt, check it in the mirror, the word should be readable in normal script in the mirror.
Also these things will give you information about
how to write graffiti letters .The most important thing to remember when you start to write letters backwards in a sentence or more, unlike the normal alignment of text you will be starting your letters from the right side of the page to the left side. You only need to keep practicing and you will finally have it, just like Da Vinci!
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