These were some basic put quintessential instructions that would help how to collaborate as an individual. Now, let’s glance through some of the steps on how to collaborate as a group:
- When working with a group, you need to have a clear and precise goal in your mind. Ascertain that each and every member in the team understands what the goal is all about and believes the goal to be a worthwhile one. The basic thing you should keep in mind while setting up the goal is that you intend to achieve something as a group that you cannot achieve individually. People in your group must share the same vision and consider the collaboration as a means to achieve greater heights and accomplishments
- Everyone wants to participate and make his or her presence felt in the group. Allot each member of the team a task or project that would help to define his or her role in the team. The best way to go about it is to jot down all the tasks that are required to be performed. Then ask each team member to mention the task he or she would like to undertake and accordingly allot that task. But there would always be a situation when few tasks would be the most preferred ones, while the others would be unpopular. The best way to deal with such a scenario is to employ the rotation policy. Also check how to do stuff related to this.